As we were checking up with one of our partner farmer cooperatives located just outside of Kafue town, we were informed that membership numbers had gone down within the cooperative. When further investigating the cause of this, one of the women still a part of the cooperative tells us that some of the members had been cast out from the group for claims of witchcraft. Cases such as this and other forms of internal conflict can be a common occurrence within these small female-farmer cooperatives, and can hinder the progress and success of these groups and the goals that The Harvest Fund aim to accomplish.

Why Smallscale Farmer Cooperatives are Important
Smallscale women farmers face unique challenges in the agricultural sector, including limited access to resources, lack of training and education, and societal norms that may restrict their participation and decision-making power. Therefore, farmer cooperatives play a crucial role in addressing these challenges by providing a platform for women to come together, share knowledge and experiences, and collectively advocate for their rights and interests. However, disagreements and conflicts within these groups can create tension and hamper the cooperative's ability to achieve their goals.
Sources of Internal Conflicts within Cooperatives
One of the main reasons for internal conflicts within small female farmer cooperatives is the lack of effective communication and collaboration among members. Different perspectives, opinions, and priorities can often lead to misunderstandings and disputes, and power struggles, ego clashes, and lack of trust among members can further exacerbate the conflicts within the group. These disagreements over leadership roles, resource allocation, and decision-making processes weaken the cooperative's ability to achieve their objectives and undermine the empowerment and solidarity of women within these cooperatives, impacting the livelihoods of its members.
Addressing and Resolving Internal conflicts
To address internal conflicts within small female farmer cooperatives, it is essential to promote open and transparent communication, establish clear roles and responsibilities, and provide training and support in conflict resolution and mediation. Here, agricultural extension services can play a vital role in providing technical assistance, training, and resources to help women farmers improve their farming practices and increase their productivity.
Ultimately, resolving internal conflicts and fostering a culture of collaboration and cooperation within small female farmer cooperatives is crucial for their success and sustainability. The Harvest Fund provides a platform where women can come together to share ideas and provide insight into successful strategies and business practices, as well as conducting conflict resolution training with different partner cooperative leaders. By building strong relationships, promoting women's empowerment, and addressing the root causes of conflicts, we aim to help groups overcome challenges and achieve their goals, overall contributing to the advancement of women in agriculture.
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